Diffuser Vent Silencers

Diffuser Vent Silencers for pressure reduction duties where only basic noise reduction is needed

Diffuser Vent Silencers Get a quotation Frequently Asked questions

When steam, air, natural gas, nitrogen, oxygen or any other process or hydrocarbon gas is vented to atmospheric pressure, if released from a pressure higher than only a few Psi, or KPa, then a harmful noise level will happen that can be injure nearby workers, or disturb local residents.

Whether the pressure release is planned or unexpected, Flo-Dyne can offer the most economical silencing solution by optimising silencer design to produce a noise level that is acceptable for nearby workers or residents.

In many cases where the silencer discharge is located nearby to worker platforms or near to local housing there is often no choice but to supply a large absorptive silencer as per our atmospheric vent silencer.

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However, in other cases where the vent discharge is not near to worker accessible platforms, or is remote from nearby local housing, then a lower performance, and lower specification silencer is often suitable.

In these cases then the Flo-Dyne HUSH Pup, or diffuser vent silencer can provide a low cost solution that meets your needs.

The Flo-Dyne HUSH Pup diffuser silencer will provide up to 15 to 20 dB(A) of attenuation in a lightweight silencer with a small footprint, and can be used in any high pressure vent application where a moderate degree of silencing is required.

Typical applications include steam relief valve discharge, air compressor vents, boiler blow down lines, gas plant vents, product dump vents and flare tip silencing.

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Because the diffuser provides back pressure onto the inlet pipework, thereby controlling the flow through the silencer it is often considered a pressure retaining part, and therefore must be built to the same standards as the incoming pipework. CE marking of this component is often mandatory.

The flow passages through the diffuser have hole sizes, that are equal to, or greater than, those of quiet trim valves, which prevents the clogging problems encountered in some metal type silencers.

The All Steel, All Welded construction allows the handling of high temperature gas or steam and units can be subjected to high pressure, high impact flows without problems and will give years of trouble free service.

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In addition, the external structural design of the Flo-Dyne diffuser vent silencer is given the same thorough attention as the internal diffuser, with external forces such as wind, nozzle and seismic loads all being considered in the design.

A variety of weather-hoods are available to keep out rain, snow and sand, alternatively the discharge nozzle can be designed to provide maximum outlet velocity for dispersal of the flow.

Should you require, we can provide inlet nozzles with moving inlets that provide a significant range of axial and lateral displacement as well as allowing bending and rotational movement.

Equipment is available in a variety of materials, but most commonly in ordinary carbon steels, 3104(L) and 316(L) stainless steels.

Get a quotation Frequently Asked questions

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Flo-Dyne Controls (UK) Ltd

Unit 4 Summerleys Business Centre, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9EQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1494 770088
Fax: +44 (0) 1494 770099
Email @ sales@flo-dyne.net

Contact us from: UK, Europe, Russia, Africa, North America, Central and South America

Flo-Dyne Controls (India) Pvt Ltd

2501, G-Square Business Park, Plot 25&26, Sector 30, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India
Tel: +91 77-384-97-300
Email @ sales-india@flo-dyne.net

Contact us from: India, Asia, Middle East, China, Indonesia, Australasia, and New Zealand